International Symposium on
Quasiparticle and Phonon Excitations in Nuclei
December 4 - 7, 1999
RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako-city, 351-0198 Saitama

P  R  O  G  R  A  M

1) All the sessions will take place at the Nishina Hall (Nishina Bldg, 2nd floor).
2) Except for the ten-minute welcome address, each speaker has 30 minutes for talk and 5 minutes for questions and answers.

D e c e m  b e r  3  ( F r i d a y )

15:30 - 17:00      Registration
(room 107, Nishina Bldg. 1st floor.
Access: Enter the Nishina Bldg. through the entrance
"NISHINA building - Ring Cyclotron", then turn right.
Room 107 is the first room on the right of the corridor.)

18:00 - 20:30     Concert of classical music & Get-together party
(Banquet hall at Hirosawa Club)

D e c e m b e r  4  ( S a t u r d a y )

9:20- 9:50         Registration (continued)
(Nishina Hall at Nishina Bldg., 2F)
                                                    Chair person: K. Ikeda (RIKEN)
9:50 - 10:00
M. Ishihara (RIKEN)
Welcome address

10:00 - 10:35
S. Belyaev (Kurchatov institute)
Self-Consistent Description of Staggering Effects in Super-Deformed Bands

10:35 - 11:10
A. Arima (House of Councilors)
From Magnetic Moments to Giant Resonances in Stable and Unstable Nuclei

11:10 - 11:30    Coffee Break

                                                       Chair person: S. Yoshida (Tohoku university)
11:30 - 12:05
I. Tanihata (RIKEN)
Neutron Halo and Magic Numbers

12:05 - 12:40
L. Malov (JINR Dubna)
Study of Properties of Deformed Nuclei in the Quasiparticle Phonon Model

12:40 - 14:00   Lunch

                                                    Chair person: T. Suzuki (Fukui university)
14:00 - 14:35
Ch. Stoyanov (INS Sofia)
Enlargement of the Basis of the Quasiparticle Phonon Model

14:35 - 15:10
V. Voronov (JINR-Dubna)
Ground State Correlations and Quasiparticle Phonon Model

15:10 - 15:45
Y. Abe (RCNP)
Present Status of Reaction Theories for Synthesis of Superheavy Elements

15:45 - 16:05     Coffee Break

                                                   Chair person: F. Sakata (Ibaraki university)
16:05 - 16:40
R. Casten (Yale university)
Distinct Evolutionary Morphologies in Nuclei and Their Experimental Signatures

16:40 - 17:15
A. Faessler (University of Tuebingen)
Nuclear Structure an Double beta-decay

17:15 - 17:50
T. Otsuka (University of Tokyo)
Collective Excitations of Nuclei in the Monte-Carlo Shell Model

D e c e m b e r   5  ( S u n d a y )

                                                   Chair person: K. Tanabe (Saitama univerity)
9:30 - 10:05
H. Emling (GSI)
Double Phonon Giant Resonance in Nuclei

10:05 - 10:40
T. Suzuki (Fukui university)
A Few Topics on Giant Resonance States

10:40 - 11:15
S. Nishizaki (Iwate university)
Analysis of Double-Dipole States in 208Pb

11:15 - 11:35    Coffee Break

                                                     Chair person: M. Ichimura (Hosei university)
11:35 - 12:10
N. Dinh Dang (RIKEN)
Single and Multiphonon Dipole Resonances within the Phonon Damping Model

12:10 - 12:45
M. Urin (Moscow Enginnering and Physics Institute)
On the Neutron Radiative Capture in the Vicinity of the Giant Dipole Resonance

12:45 - 14:00   Lunch
                                                    Chair person: S. Nishizaki (Iwate university)
14:00 - 14:35
P.F. Bortignon (University of Milan)
Beyond Mean Field Theory at Zero and Finite Temperature

14:35 - 15:10
Y. Fujita (Osaka university)
L=3 and 4 Resonance-lie Structure in the Region up to Particle Separation Energy

15:10 - 15:45
S. Galès (IPN-Orsay)
High-Lying Single Particle Modes and the Quasiparticle Phonon Nuclear Model

15:45 - 16:05     Coffee Break

                                                    Chair person: Y. Abe (RCNP)
16:05 - 16:40
K. Tanabe (Saitama university)
An Interpretation of the Superfine Structure in Neutron Resonances

16:40 - 17: 15
M. Ichimura (Hosei university)
Can we get information about pionic modes from nucleon quasielastic scattering?

D e c e m b e r   6   ( M o n d a y )

                                                    Chair person: T. Suzuki (Nihon university)
10:00 - 10:35
I. Hamamoto (Lund university)
Selected Topics in the Structure of Nuclei far from beta-Stability Line

10:35 - 11:10
H. Sagawa (University of Aizu)
Single-Particle and Collective Excitation in Nuclei Near Drip Lines

11:10 - 11:30    Coffee Break

                                                    Chair person: H. Toki (RCNP)
11:30 - 12:05
T. Suzuki (Nihon university)
Vibrational Properties of Soft-Dipoles States

12:05 - 12:40
K. Sugawara-Tanabe  (Otsuma Women University)
The Shape and the Pairing Gap in Hg and Pb Isotopes as a Function of the Angular Momentum and the Excitation Energy

12:40 - 14:00   Lunch

                                                     Chair person: H. Sakai (University of Tokyo)
14:00 - 14:35
Dao Tien Khoa (Vietnam Atomic Energy Commission, Hanoi)
Study of Nuclear Equation of State and Nuclear Structure via Refractive Nucleus-Nucleus Scattering

14:35 - 15:10
V. Lapoux (CEA Saclay)
The Role of Polarization Potential in the Elastic Scattering of Light Exotic Nuclei

15:10 - 15:45
H. Toki (RCNP)
Relativistic Nuclear Physics for Unstable Nuclei and Supernova

15:45 - 16:05     Coffee Break

                                                     Chair person: T. Otsuka (University of Tokyo)
16:05 - 16:40
N. Van Giai (IPN Orsay, France)
Continuum Effects on Pairing Properties of Drip Line Nuclei

16:40 - 17: 15
I. Mikhailov (JINR Dubna)
Angular Momentum Generation in Fission Fragments

D e c e m b e r   7  ( T u e s d a y )

                                                     Chair person:Y. Fujita (Osaka university)
9:30 - 10:05
H. Sakai (University of Tokyo)
Construction of the (n,p) Facility to Minimize Systematic Uncertainties of Gamow-Teller Strengths in the Continuum

10:05 - 10:40
M. Fujiwara (RCNP)
Excitation and Decay of Spin-Isospin Modes in Charge-Exchange Reactions

10:40 - 11:15
N. Lo Iudice (University of Napoli)
Scissors-like and Spin Transitions in Heavy Deformed Nuclei

11:15 - 11:35    Coffee Break

                                                    Chair person:M. Fujiwara (RCNP)
11:35 - 12:10
Ch. Briançon (CSNSM - Orsay)
High - K Isomerism in Heavy Nuclei: Nuclear Structure and Reaction

12:10 - 12:45
Ph. Quentin (University of Bordeaux)
Microscopic Description of High - K Isomers in the A=180 Region with an Improved Pairing Treatment

12:45 - 14:00   Lunch

                                                     Chair person:N. Yoshinaga  (Saitama university)
14:00 - 14:35
M. Sambataro (INFN Catania)
Many-Body Correlations within a Multistep Variational Approach

14:35 - 15:10
A. Gelberg (Inst. of Nuclear Physics - Koeln)
IBM-2 calculation of band crossing in 132Ba

15:10 - 15:30    Coffee Break

                                                    Chair person: H. Sagawa (University of Aizu)
15:30 - 16:05
K. Ikeda (RIKEN)
Decisive Role of Pairing Interaction in Forming  the Halo Structure of Li-11

16:05 - 16: 40
T. Marumori (Science University of Tokyo)
Dynamical Mechanism of Backbending Phenomena in High-Spin Yrast Sequence

16:40                 Closing

18:00 - 20:30   Performance of Japanese music & Banquet
(Banquet hall, Hirosawa club 2F.)

(Last update: December 2, 1999)