Some pictures taken at SOLOVIEV99

Participants of SOLOVIEV99 in front of the Nishina Bldg.

Click on each icon below to get the enlarged photo.

       1                  2                  3                  4                  5                  6                  7                    8

       9                 10                11                 12                13               14                 15

       16               17                18                19                 20                21                 22               23

Photo captions:

1: A. Arima
2: from left to right: V. Voronov, A. Malov, G. Solovieva, I. Ourina, R. Casten, and S. Gales
3: Coffee break: front: V. Lapoux (left) and N. Van Giai (right)
4: from left to right: I. Ourina, P.F. Bortignon, R. Kuwana, A. Maeoka, N. Van Giai, D.T. Mai (Mrs. N. Dinh Dang),
M. Urin, T. Omata, and M. Sambataro
5: from left to right: T. Suzuki (Nihon univ.), T. Otsuka, and I. Tanihata. Back: M. Ichimura
6: Inside the Nishina hall
7: I. Hamamoto (left) and M. Ishihara (right)
8: S. Belyaev (left) and F. Ivanyuk (right)
9: K. Ikeda
10: I. Tanihata
11: M. Ishihara
12: R. Kuwana and T. Omata at the registration desk
13: from left to right: R. Kuwana, A. Maeoka, N. Dinh Dang, D.T. Mai (Mrs. N. Dinh Dang), and T. Omata
14: Concert at the get-together party: from left to right: A. Otsuka, A. Harada, A. Kira, and H. Okuno
15: Koto music at the farewell banquet: from left to right: K. Morita, A. Maeoka, and R. Kuwana
16: P.F. Bortignon (left) and H. Emling (right)
17: S. Gales (left) and Ph. Quentin (right)
18: N. Lo Iudice (left) and M. Sambataro (right)
19: D. Tien Khoa (left) and A. Faessler (right)
20: V. Lapoux
21: H. Toki
22: from left to right: S. Gales, A. Faessler, and A. Arima
23: from left to right: N. Dinh Dang, P.F. Bortignon. R. Casten, and S. Belyaev. From the back side:
A. Arima and A. Faessler