Author guide
for the Proceedings of the International Symposium on
in memory of Professor Vadim Soloviev (1925 - 1998)

Dead-line for receiving manuscript:
Noon (Tokyo time) of
December 28, 1999

The proceedings of SOLOVIEV99 will be published by World Scientific Publishing Co. (WSPC) (Singapore) as a hard cover book. Each speaker will receive one copy of the proceedings. Additional copies can be ordered directly to the publisher at a cost.

1) Each manuscript should not exceed 8 pages in the camera-ready form (see (2) below) including references, (black and white) figures, tables and figure captions.

2) In preparation of the manuscript, kindly follow the instruction by World Scientific. The package of style file and instruction can be downloaded from the WSPC site at The author should download the package at trim size 8.50" x 6.00" and Latex-2.09. Please read the readme file, clicking on readme_209.txt to know about technical details. The style file and LaTex file can be also copied here, clicking on sprocl.sty to get the style file, and on sprocl.tex to get the LaTex file of the instruction. The latter should be used as a sample to compose the LaTex file of the author's manuscript. The final output can be seen cliking on sprocl.pdf .

3) In order to have a timely publication of the proceedings, all the authors are kindly requested to submit their manuscripts to the editors before or during the Symposium. As such, (a) the LaTex files of the manuscripts plus (b) PostScript figures, and also (c) the Postscript file of the whole paper (including figure inserted at the right place in the text)  should be sent via e-mail to:

                                                                 Nguyen Dinh Dang

The dead-line for receiving the manuscript is noon (Tokyo time) of December 28, 1999.

The author does not have to send the hard copy of the manuscript unless the author cannot prepare the figures in PostScript files. In this case, in addition to the LaTex file of the manuscript (without figures) sent by e-mail, one camera-ready hard copy of the manuscript with figures inserted (pasted) in text should be sent via postal airmail within the same dead line to:

Nguyen Dinh Dang
RI-beam factory project office
RIKEN, 2-1 Hirosawa, Wako city
351-0198 Saitama, Japan.