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1. Jan-1990 - Optimized expression evaluation to achieve a 30 fold speedup. Added error handling to smoothing routine. Added support for a postscript printer. 2. Feb-1990 - Added EQUATION option to FIT. For general linear fits. Optimized the auto label generation for logarithmic axes. Removed restrictions on order of DECADES, SUBTICKS in the SET SCALE command. Added device UIS to be able to dump screen of Vaxstation to disk in full resolution. Made VAXstation driver work for color station. Added color mappings for DECGIGI driver. 3. July-1990 - Fixed PROJECT command in TOPDRAWER. It was correct in NTOPDRAWER. It would sometimes give incorrect results for HBOOK histograms. Added options FETCH and READ to TOPDRAWER command RESTORE HIST. (Version 3.5) Note: some versions may have had problems with the fitting lexicals. VCOEFFICIENT... as some modules were compiled with /Gfloat and some were not. The standard is /GFLOAT for all double precision operations if it is supported by the machine that it is compiled on. Fixed lexicals V... inside expressions. Y="VXVALUE**2" yielded incorrect results while Y="XVALUE**2" was correct. This problem dated from Jan-1990 when optimization was introduced. 4. Dec-1990 - Added options WEIGHT, EWEIGHT to ADD,SUBTRACT,MULTIPLY,DIVIDE commands. These allow weighting of data when doing the operation.