15.65.1 Options

1. ALL - Shows all options except for CURSOR, FLAGS, and HISTOGRAM. 2. ARROW - default arrow format 3. AXIS - default axis 4. BAR - ends of error bars 5. BOX - default box size 6. BLINK - whether plots are in blink mode 7. CARD - Maximum length of input lines 8. CYCLE - The color,width, texture to cycle through. 9. CHARACTERS - Shows character definitions 10. CIRCLE - Same as SHOW ELLIPSE 11. CLEAR - Clear setting is Deferred or Immediate. 12. COLOR - default color or pen number 13. COMMAND - Shows the currently defined commands. 14. Ctrl_Z - Whether Ctrl_Z stops TOPDRAWER. 15. CURSOR - Shows the location of the cursor. 16. DATA [options] - Show current data. 17. DATE - Show current base date. 18. DEVICE - Show current device being used 19. DIAMOND - default diamond size 20. DIGITS - The number of digits to use for output 21. ELLIPSE - default ellipse size 22. ERRORS - Shows status of error messages, and any errors for the current plot are displayed. 23. FILE - shows current files open, and line number. 24. FILL - the current fill patterns 25. FIT [FULL] - shows the current fit [with error matrix]. 26. FLUSH - Controls automatic flushing of plot data 27. FONT - the current character set 28. FORMAT - Format for input lines 29. GRID - grid marks that overlay plot 30. HISTOGRAM - Shows the list of histograms available. 31. INTENSITY - default intensity (line width) 32. KEYS [key names] - the defined keypad keys 33. LABELS - numeric labels on axes 34. LEXICALS [lexical] - exams the current values of lexicals. 35. LIMITS - limits for plot axis 36. MODE - Misc. options. These change the mode of operation. 37. MONITOR - Plot options for monitor command. 38. ORDER - Determines interpretation of input data 39. OUTLINE - outline around plot 40. PATTERN - the pattern for PATTERNED lines 41. PAUSE - controls whether TOPDRAWR pauses at NEW PLOT 42. PEN - the pen or color to use in plotting. 43. PLOTS - The number of plots produced 44. POLAR - Whether mode is polar or spherical plots 45. REVISION - The current revision level. 46. SECONDARY - Secondary contour line options. 47. SCALE - scale (log/linear) and units. 48. SHIELD - the location and sizes of shielded areas. 49. SIZE - size and orientation of screen or paper 50. STATISTICS - The statistics set by the last SET STATISTICS or SHOW DATA command. 51. STORAGE - what is kept in storage 52. STRINGS - strings defined by DEFINE STRING 53. SYMBOL - default symbol to plot 54. TEXTURE - default line style (DOTTED,SOLID...) 55. THREE - parameters for 3-dimensional plots 56. TICKS - tick marks on axes 57. TITLE - size of title 58. UNITS - the units of measurement 59. VALUES - The user defined Lexical values. 60. VERSION - The current version number of TOPDRAWER 61. WIDTH - the line width or intensity 62. WINDOW - the plotting area (labels may be outside area)