15.64.60 TICKS

This determines the presence or absence of tick marks and their sizes. To control the default number of ticks see SET SCALE. SET TICKS [SIZE=n] [LONG=n] [ALL|TOP|BOTTOM|RIGHT|LEFT|X|Y|Z] [ON|OFF] [INTENSITY|WIDTH=n] [NOCOLOR|WHITE|RED|GREEN|BLUE|YELLOW|MAGENTA|CYAN] [NOTEXTURE|SOLID|DOTS|DASHES|DAASHES|DOTDASH|PATTERNED|FUNNY|SPACE] [PERMANENT] This acts on the current plot only if PERMANENT not specified. If the parameters are omitted they are reset to the original default. To control other individual elements of the axes use: SET AXES, SET TICKS, SET LABELS, SET OUTLINE (Default:ALL ON)