
- 1. CENTER=x,y,z - Is the center of the 3-d view. This moves the plot around. 2. DIRECTION=xv,yv,zv - Controls the direction you are "looking" from. 3. THETA=angle - The direction you are looking from (polar angle) 4. PHI=angle - The direction you are looking from (Azimuthal angle) 5. DISTANCE - Distance from you to the object. 6. SCRD - Distance from you to the viewing window. 7. RDISTANCE - Modifies DISTANCE + SCRD together (DISTANCE from you to object) 8. REDUCE|MAGNIFY - Modifies size of the object relative to current size. 9. ON|OFF - Turns 3-d plot on or off. 10. AUTOMATICE - 3-d plots are on if the data is 3-d. 11. ORIGIN=x,y,z - Set origin of axes for a PLOT AXES command. 12. PERMANENT - Makes current parameters permanent for subsequent plots. 13. SEPARATION=n - Specifies left, right separation for stereo plots 14. LEFT - Specifies left eye view. 15. RIGHT - Specifies right eye view. 16. MIDDLE - Specifies center view (neither left nor right "Cyclops") 17. VERTICAL=xv,yv,zv - Direction of vertical. 18. WORLD=x BY y BY z - Limits on x,y,z coordinates. 19. X|Y|ZANGLE=n - Specifies orientation of labels and titles around axis.