15.64.53 SPHERICAL

SET POLAR [ON|OFF] [RADIANS|DEGREES|FULLCIRCLE=n|GRAD] [PEERMANENT] This sets up to plot in spherical coordinates. (THETA,R,PHI) instead of (X,Y,Z). The data in X is now interpreted as THETA, Y is intepreted as R and Z is intepreted as PHI. The data is not modified, just reinterpreted. R=sqrt(X**2=Y**2+Z**2) THETA=ATAN2(Y,X) PHI=ATAN2(sqrt(x**2+Y**2),Z) NOTE: There is no universally accepted convention for THETA or PHI. Various books use different conventons. I have adopted a convention that gives THETA the same definition in both spherical and polar coordinates. 1. ON|OFF turn the spherical coordinates on or off. (Default:ON) 2. PERMANENT - Sets these parameters permanently. 3. DEGREES... - Selects angle representation (Default:DEGREES) A. GRAD - (0-400) B. DEGREES - (0-360) C. PERCENT - (0-100) D. RADIANS - (0-6.2831853) E. FULLCIRCLE=n - (0-n) You still set the limits in X,Y,Z coordinates, and automatic scaling centers the origin. When you plot, the axes are not automatically generated if spherical coordinates are on. You must manually plot the axes with the command: PLOT AXES.