15.58.2 AXES|GRID

PLOT {AXES|GRID} [AT [x [y [z]]]] [[TOP|BOTTOM|RIGHT|LEFT|X|Y|Z] [[LABELS|TICKS] [SHORT|LONG] [n1,n2,n3.....] [FROM n TO n BY n N n] [FFORMAT|GFORMAT|EFORMAT|YERS |MONTHS|DAYS|TIME]] Puts Axes and grid on the plot, but does not plot points. This command is not usually necessary as axes are added to the picture when the first PLOT, HISTOGRAM, or JOIN command is executed. If you use this command before a PLOT, HISTOGRAM or JOIN command, then the automatic axes are not produced. The limits of the axes are determined either from the existing data or from the the SET LIMITS command, or by the LIMITED options. The format of the axes is determined by the SET AXES command. The origin of the axes may be specified after the option AT. This command is mainly useful for special graphs where 2 sets of axes with different scales are needed. This is also used to plot axes on a 3 dimensional plot where x,y,z specify the origin of the axes. 3-d plots do not automatically produce axes, so you must use the PLOT AXES command. The origin may also be specified by the command SET THREE. If not already specified by SET AXES, LABELS, or TICKS commands, the color, texture, and intensity options will be used in plotting the axes.