15.37 FIT

FIT [AGAIN[=ON|OFF]] Coordinate to fit [Y|Z] Type of fit [POLYNOMIAL| LEGENDRE| SINE| COSINE| EXPONENTIAL| GAUSSIAN| INNVERSE| USER=n| EQUATION "term1;term2;..."] [SCALE] [ORDER|TERMS=n] [OFFSET=n] [NONLINEAR[=ON|OFF]] [COEFFICIENTS|ECOEFFICIENTS|CMINIMUM|CMAXIMUM [INDEX=n] N1,N2,N3...] [CONSTRAIN[=ON|OFF]] [INCLUDE|EXCLUDE [NONE|EVEN|ODD] [n1,n2...] ] Data generation [CURVE [APPEND[=ON|OFF]] [[X|Y] [FROM xmin] [TO xmax] [BY dx] [N=steps]] [BINS|VALUES]] [NAME="name"] Data selection [LIMITED [VLOG[=ON|OFF]] [[FROM]|TO [[X=]nx,[[Y=]ny[,[Z=]nz]]] [RECURSOR] [CURSOR] ] [POINTS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2]] [SETS=[FROM] n1 [TO] [n2]] [SELECT="name"] [MESH[=ON|OFF]] Output selection [LOG[=ON|OFF]] [FULL[=ON|OFF]] [MONITOR[=ON|OFF]] NONLINEAR=ON options [ECHISQ=n] [MINUIT] [GRAD[=ON|OFF]] [PRINTLEVEL=n] [REPEAT=n] [TOLERANCE=n] Fits data and optionally produces a curve containing the fit. The coefficients are typed on the terminal and placed as comments in the log file. Data points with zero or negative values of DY are omitted from the fit. If DY does not exist or is 0.0 for all specified data then DY is assumed to be 1.0. If all coefficients are constrained, no fitting is done, but you may generate the curve for those coefficients. You may subtract the FIT from a data set with the SUBTRACT command.