3-d plot info. is in parentheses () 1. ADD - Adds together 2 data sets 2. ARROW - Draws an arrow. 3. BARGRAPH - Produces a bar graph. 4. BIN - This transforms the data to a frequency distribution (histogram). This may also be used to add data sets together. 5. BOX - Draws a box. 6. CIRCLE - Draws a circle or ELLIPSE. 7. CLEAR - Clears the screen the next plot will use same parameters (WARNING: usually you want command NEW) 8. CONTOUR - Draws a contour plot of MESH data. 9. CONVOLUTE - Calculates the convolution of 2 data sets. 10. CREATE MESH - Creates mesh data. 11. DATA SET - Starts a new data set. 12. DELETE - Deletes data points. 13. DEFINE COMMAND/KEY - Defines commands or keys on your keypad. 14. DEFINE HISTOGRAM - Defines histograms (HBOOK ) 15. DIAMOND - Draws a diamond. 16. DIVIDE - Divides 2 data sets (histograms) 17. NDU/NDV/NDW/NDX/NDY/NDZ - Enters a sequence of NDU,NDY... or NDZ data values. These are the negative errors on U,... or Z. 18. DU/DV/DW/DX/DY/DZ - Enters a sequence of DX,DY, or DZ data values. These are the errors on U... or Z. 19. ELLIPSE - Draws a circle or ELLIPSE. 20. ENDREPEAT - Ends a repeat loop. 21. ENDFILE - Ends a file. 22. FFT - Calculates a "fast" fourier transform of a data set. 23. FIT - Fits functions to the data and/or generates a curve. 24. FLUSH - Flush out all remaining data. 25. HISTOGRAM - Draws a histogram or ("Block") plot. 26. HELP - Get help on TOPDRAWER. 27. IF/ELSE/ENDIF - Tests status 28. JOIN - Joins the data points with a line or (Mesh) plot. 29. LIST - List the current data points. 30. LIST HISTOGRAM - List histograms (HBOOK ) 31. MERGE - Merges the contents of data sets. 32. MULTIPLY - Multiplies 2 data sets (histograms) 33. NEW FRAME - Starts a completely new plot. 34. NDX/NDY/NDZ - Enters a set of NDX... data values. These are negative error values. 35. PAUSE - The program pauses. 36. PLOT - Plots data as points or symbols (Scatter plot). * OUTLINE - Plots an outline around the plot. * AXES - Plots axes (Ticks and labels). * TABLE - Plots a table (list of numbers). 37. READ - Reads in data points. 38. REPEAT - Repeats a series of commands. 39. RESTORE - Restores things A. DATA - Restores data sets from a file. B. HISTOGRAM - Restores a set of histograms (HBOOK ) C. FIT - Restores a fit. 40. SAVE - Saves things See:RESTORE 41. SHOW - Shows current options as set by the SET command. 42. SMOOTH - The data is smoothed. 43. SORT - Sorts the contents of a data set. 44. SPAWN - Spawns out of TOPDRAWER. 45. SPLINE - Produce a spline fit to the data. 46. STOP - Stops TOPDRAWER. 47. SUBTRACT - Subtracts 2 data sets. 48. SWAP - Swaps data for 2 axes. 49. SYMBOL - Enters symbols for existing data. 50. TITLE - Puts a title on the plot. 51. TRANSFORM - Transform data from one coordinate frame to another (CARTESIAN,POLAR,SPHERICAL) 52. TYPE - Types a line on your terminal. 53. CASE - Controls the format of the title. 54. MORE - Adds more text under the current title. 55. SET - Sets options for plots (defaults). 56. U/V/W/X/Y/Z - Enters a sequence of U,V,.... or Z values. U,V,W are auxiliary coordinates while X,Y,Z are the coordinates used in plotting.