15.11.6 FROM...

[[X|Y] [FROM=n] [TO=n] [BY|WIDTH|STEP=n] [BINS|N=n]] Specifies the range of the histogram. If FROM,TO and NBINS are specified BY may not be specified. FROM is the lowes bin edge. TO is the highest bin edge. BY is the bin width, And N is the number of bins. If VALUES is specified then the FROM and TO are the center of the first bin and the center of the last bin. If these are omitted then the data is scanned and the bins are arranged according to the current scale values. (See:SET SCALE) If the data to bin is arranged as a set of matching histograms, the final data set will have the same x values as the initial. A histogram has equally spaced x values with identical DX. Data sets match if the initial X and DX values are the same. The following are equivalent commands: TD:BIN FROM 0 TO 10 BY 1 TD:BIN FROM 0 TO 10 N=10 TD:BIN FROM 0 BY 1 N=10 TD:BIN VALUES FROM .5 TO 9.5 BY 1