10.7 TYPES

Data may either be X,Y,Z points or mesh data. A point consists of an X,Y,[Z] value with optional errors DX,DY,[DZ],[NDX], [NDY],[NDZ] Z and DZ are optional and may not necessarily be present. MESH data is a data set consisting of Z values as a function of X and Y. A mesh is essentially a square grid of data with X,Y vs Z. A mesh may also have optional DX, DY, and DZ values attached to it. Data may be subdivided into data sets. Each data set is numbered consecutively starting with 1. Within each data set the points are numbered from 1 to n. To create a new data set use the DATA SET command. Some commands such as FIT allow automatic creation of a new data set if the option APPEND is used. When plotting you may specify which data set you wish to plot with the option SET=n. For example PLOT SET=1 plots the first data set. You may also use FIRST,LAST,NEXT,PREVIOUS, or CURRENT to specify a data set. FIRST is always set number 1 while LAST is the number of data sets. CURRENT is the last set specified. NEXT is the current data set +1, while PREVIOUS is the current set -1. For example you may plot 2 sets by: TD:PLOT SET=FIRST TD:PLOT SET=NEXT You may also specify a range of sets. TD:PLOT SET=2 TO LAST plots all data sets except for number 1. Warning When plotting multiple data sets, the format of the plot is taken from the first data set. If the first set is a mesh, the plot will be 3-D.